Fireplaces Australia (formerly known as Stoked Fireplaces) is the brainchild of Anthony Conlan, a licensed plumber with over 25 years in the construction industry. His vision was to offer, through this website, quality heaters and fireplaces along with professional design and installation services to fit any Sydney family’s budget. 

Imagine It

It all begins with an idea. At Fireplaces Australia, we understand that every person is an individual with different needs and tastes.

Whether you’re after a freestanding wood fireplace or a more complex full enclosure design or interested in a beautiful electrical fireplace model, Fireplace Australia can make your vision a reality.

Design It

Sometimes the hardest part of having an idea is bringing it into fruition. Fireplace Australia have years of experience in turning dreams into reality.

Working side by side with our clients in their space, we recommend and design the fireplace heater of your dreams! It is by far the most satisfying aspect of our work.

There is simply no greater feeling than creating something out of nothing to make someone’s vision come true – in spectacular style!

Build It

You’re in the right hands. With our high end quality trades people on the case, we’ll recommend the right model to deliver the perfect result. At Fireplaces Australia, our aim is to give your home the “wow” factor and we’ve never disappointed a client.

From simple freestanding heaters to fully tiled enclosed fireplaces, you will always be amazed. With a roaring fire blazing away in the background your lazy winter afternoons will be magical and your cold evenings a thing of the past!

Let’s bring some magic to your home by buillding something spectacular together. Contact our Sydney team today to make your vision a reality!

Are wood-burning fireplaces allowed in Sydney?

Yes but… You still need to comply with NSW and council regulations. Here’s what you should know…


  • All homeowners must submit a Planning Application via the NSW Planning Portal and get Council approval before installing or replacing a wood heater or open fireplace.
  • All heaters sold in NSW must also have a certificate of compliance affirming that the model of heater meets the relevant Australian and New Zealand (AS/NZS) Standards. This certificate must be issued by a body approved by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
  • At the point of purchase, you should check with the retailer to see whether the appliance you are considering to purchase complies with the relevant AS/NZS Standards under the Regulation. (As you would expect, all heaters or fireplaces sold by Fireplaces Australia are fully compliant.)
  • Many Sydney councils require that residents ensure their wood heaters and open fireplaces are operated efficiently and are not emitting excessive smoke, under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clear Air) Amendment (Solid Fuel Heaters) Regulation 2016. (NOTE: As a general rule of thumb, if you can see or smell smoke, then you are not operating your wood heater or open fireplace correctly and are impacting your neighbours and family… And Smoke Abatement Notices and fines can be issued by Council for any wood heater or open fireplace emitting excessive smoke.)